If you are a social entrepreneur, charity director or leader in a purpose-led organization and could benefit from free consulting and leadership development, we have an opportunity for you:
We are looking for seven inspiring social organizations to join our 12th BNP Paribas Social Enterprise Hackathon to be held 26-30 June online.
This event is dedicated to supporting leaders like you with your urgent and significant business opportunities. It represents a chance to work and learn alongside diverse leadership talent from BNP Paribas while developing creative, and successful strategies to challenges facing your organization.
Our social partners from the past said:
It’s been a very, very positive experience for me and I’m walking away with a workable action plan that I’ll be putting into place starting tomorrow that will help me build my organisation.
I’m looking at my business differently now, I see what steps I have already taken and that I am already on the roadmap! It is good to understand what that next step is.